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Course:German |Duration:3 Months

Just like French, the reasons for learning German may be varied. Foreign residents living in Germany may require the language certifications. Students going to Germany to study may need the language as a prerequisite to University admissions.

There are various certifications one might seek to apply to. You need to choose the examination depending on the reason for which you seek the German language certification (e.g. work, study, visa, residence permit).

These examinations are all commonly accepted by the German authorities and institutions.


Goethe-Institut is formed of a worldwide network of 159 institutes in 98 countries. It promotes German language learning and cultural exchange abroad.

They have developed a series of exams that certificate German language ability at six levels. One can easily take examinations at any Goethe-Institut, or its partners. The certificate is recognized worldwide and can be used to signify a level of proficiency in the language.

Telc Deutsch

Telc (The European Language Certificates) offers language certifications in 10 different languages, including German. Their globally-recognised certification is accepted in Germany for purposes like visa, residence permit and citizenship applications.

TestDaF (Test Deutsch alsFremdsprache)

TestDaf is a German language certification for non-native German speakers, specifically aimed at those who would like to study at, or work in German universities.

DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang)

DSH is another language certification accepted by universities. This examination can only be taken at a German university (usually the one you are applying to). 

Students are tested for proficiency in reading, writing and listening comprehension, and have to undertake an oral examination.

Deutschtest für Zuwanderer (DTZ)

The Deutschtest für Zuwanderer (German Language Test for Immigrants - DTZ) is a certification designed specifically for immigrants in Germany and is usually taken at the conclusion of an integration course.

German language proficiency levels

The German language certification examinations all follow the pattern of levels to identify the proficiency of the language. The levels are defined as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It is an international standard that helps describe the language ability. It assesses language learners on their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

Level A (Basic User)

Split into A1 (Beginner) and A2 (Elementary), it is the basic level required for anyone seeking a visa or residence permit in Germany.

Level B (Independent User)

Level B is usually split into B1 (Intermediate) and B2 (Upper intermediate). A minimum of level B1 is needed in order to qualify for German citizenship.

Level C (Proficient User)

Level C is again split between C1 (Advanced) and C2 (Proficient (near-native)).

There are various certifications in German language as seen previously. The eligibility criteria and the age limit will have to be checked at the website of the concerned examination authority.

A candidate may choose any of the certification programs and appear for that particular set of exams as they all serve the same purpose.

The registration process for appearing in the German proficiency test also differs from one certification authority to another. Basic information and registration process may be easily understood by visiting the website of the concerned examination authority.